Proverbs 29:25 "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

It was so yummy I thought I was cheating

Yesterday I could not, repeat could not eat my tuna for my snack.... I wanted something yummy.  So I made me a protein shake, 1 scoop of whey protein, 6 oz water, cup of ice, 5 strawberries and 10 almonds.  Blended smooth.  It was like a milk shake.  So yummy!  I seriously felt like I was cheating.  

I saw a friend today at the gym, she was asking me how I was feeling.  This is what I had to say.... I am feeling great.  I love that I can stand up straight and feel my muscles working and holding my frame.  Also while I was in spin I loved how I could feel my muscles contracting... I am getting stronger and tighter.  This is so exciting!!  She told me when I reach my goal she wants to write into to Woman's Health magazine about my story.  WOW I feel so honored, that she would think my story was great enough to write about.

Every day is easier.  I was just thinking this morning how easy this has been so far, my desire for bad food is gone. My longing for the gym has grown, and I am bound and determined to reach my goal.  No matter what I have to do to get there, as long as it is healthy.  Just think in 8 weeks I will be on stage doing my thing and looking amazing.  

Thank you everyone for all your love, support, and encouraging words.  You are what keeps me going when I think that I can not any more. I also want to thank my husband Travis everyday, he is soo supportive of me doing this.  Even when I want to go to the gym twice a day.  (he will even let me go before him).  I can not leave out Thanking God either for giving my this healthy body, and for watching out for me while I go through this transformation.


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